Get The Most Out of Your Lessons With Arccos

You know the phrase “it gets worse before it gets better?” Yeah, us too. Thankfully, golf instructors are there to guide golfers through their “it gets worse” phase. Team up your instructor with your Arccos Top 3 Insights to give you that final push to get to the “it gets better” stage.
More often than not, improving our golf game can feel hopeless. It’s challenging and time-consuming, and sometimes those improvements are SO tiny. Getting worse before we get better after golf lessons can be a rabbit hole that all golfers fall down.
One of golf’s favorite professionals, Jordan Speith knows the hurdles that come with lessons. He said this after some 2019 swing changes:
The first thing I learned from Cam (McCormick) was patience. For me to become a more consistent ball striker, he believed it was necessary to make a couple of significant swing changes. I remember hitting bags where only one out of every three balls got off the ground
PGA Tour professionals like Jordan have their coaches available at all times- the average golfer can’t call up Cam McCormick to talk through frustrations in their game. Thankfully, you have Arccos sitting in your pocket, tracking your game as you go. So when going through your data with a coach, they will get an accurate depiction of your weaknesses and your strengths.
We need data to measure improvement, especially when we don’t have access to coaches 24/7. Data can also show golfers (in the amateur world and professional world) that a good golf shot does not always mean they made a good swing.
Pro Tip: Send your coach to where they can request access to our Coaches Dashboard so they can see your on-course data.
Arccos Insights can provide the confidence boost that you need when doubting your golf journey. You and your coach have been grinding on putts inside of 10 feet? Maybe 5-footers are the forte that saves your round.

Discovering that your perceived Achilles’ heel is actually a strength, as the sound data can provide a confidence boost and give you that advantage you are looking for. Use the Top 3 Insights on your Arccos player page to find out “what to work on” and “what’s helping you.”
Lessons can throw a curveball into your game that’s bigger than your slice. It may take a few rounds to implement changes, but your strengths will help you get through those worse times.
Remember- that while the times might be hard, there will be a turning point…for the better. Utilising Arccos to track your progress will ensure your improvement! Develop and stick to a practice plan and the results will show on Arccos.